- TTAF: 5970.51 hours - Serial Number: D 3315 - Engine TSMOH: 1655.95 hours - Engine Model: Continental 225-8 - Engine Serial Number: 30126-D-4-8 - Full IFR Panel: Yes - Garmin GPS 155XL - Dual Nav/Com with Glide Slope - S-Tec 40 Auto Pilot - JPI EDM 700 Engine Monitor - Collin Auto Panel - Transponder with ADS-B Out - D Shannon 16-gallon tip tanks with sight gauges - New Upholstery - 4-place intercom - 4-place portable Sky Ox oxygen - Cies digital fuel senders/gauge - Gami fuel STC - David Clark Headsets - Rosen Sun Visors - D Shannon Speed Slope windshield - 3rd Window - 4-point inertia shoulder harness - Davtron O.A.T. and Den ALT - All AD’s complied with to date - Price: $59,500 OBO - Comes with fresh annual inspection